My Launch life began more than a year ago, after I left my former job in search of a broader opportunity in the digital world. Searching marketing jobs in the Chicago area became my full time job, and before long, I was writing from home with the promise of more opportunities on the horizon. It really seemed too good to be true. Thrilling assignments, flexible hours, and open communication for any issue or question that arose—could it be real? Oh, yes! In no time at all, I was trained for editing and taking on advanced assignments for clients all over the nation, and some so close, I could drive by and point with pride.



Mountain? Check. Wi-Fi? Check.

In six short months, I was picked for a full time job as a Content Strategist, with benefits, more responsibilities, and room to grow—just as I was leaving town for a three-week road trip. I was planning on fitting my assignments between hiking the Yellowstone backcountry, and bonfires with family in California. I wrote from a café in Portland before, just me, my laptop, and too many Maine potato doughnuts, and it worked out fine. But jumping into a new role while cruising in and out of different time zones gave me anxiety. My new team assured me it was just fine, though, and with no time or desire to back out of either commitment, I was off!


I didn’t even need to duck into an errant Starbucks; I had a power inverter to charge my laptop and work from the road, and a portable Wi-Fi hotspot that was so reliable, I was fully connected in the Grand Tetons, Yosemite National Park, and beyond! A client even had an urgent request while I was hiking through the Sequoia National Forest, but it was fine. I worked out the details from my phone in real-time.


That 6,500 mile trip around the U.S. showed me just how incredible the digital world really is. Week after week, I was able to keep pace with my new job, log my 40 hours, and still see all the wondrous places I had marked on the map. For Launch, this means we’re always connected to one another in the home office, and within effortless reach of our clients at all times. In fact, whether we’re shooting e-mails, sharing news on Slack, or on a weekly conference call, we’re incredibly united. Having a tight-knit company culture between employees from Chicago to Boston, Oakland, Australia and everywhere in between proves that.


The enormity of the digital space is remarkable on its own, but Launch truly pushes it to the next level. We’re on the forefront of the next big thing, the next app, the next tool, and if we run out of stepping stones, we lay down our own. Can you say the same? If you can’t, it’s not too late! Launch offers a suite of services to help businesses of all types stretch out and take up space in the digital world, and with our tremendous growth, there’s always room for creatives to join the team.


When I researched marketing jobs in Chicago and the invitation to join Launch Digital Marketing landed in my inbox, I did not yet know the true breadth of my next journey. While I still enjoy the flexibility of my job, sometimes I opt to take time completely off to reboot and restore. It makes returning to my work family all the better.

content team

The Content Team