When you’re a successful business owner, you may not have time to take care of everything on your never-ending list, including updating your social media or managing your ads. Knowing how to grant access to your Facebook business page will help you delegate tasks and keep crushing your dreams, so let’s troubleshoot how to give access and what to do if you aren’t the owner of your business page.

Why Give Access to Your Facebook Page?

Granting access to your page can be a serious time saver, especially if you’re an entrepreneur wearing multiple hats. When you give the proper permission to Facebook, other people or marketing agencies can post, comment, and like content on your behalf, as well as update any pertinent business information on your page or schedule campaign ads.

There are six different levels of Facebook page access:

  • Admin: This is the highest level or role you can grant, which gives permission to manage all aspects of a Facebook page.
  • Editor: This role has all publishing permissions but cannot grant others access.
  • Moderator: At this access level, a person can only respond to comments and cannot post any new content.
  • Advertiser: This role can only create ads for the associated Facebook page.
  • Analyst: As the lowest access level, this role can only view Facebook Insights and cannot create anything new.
  • Custom roles: Facebook does allow Admins to create customized roles that combine varying levels of permissions as they see fit.

Keep in mind that you should only give trusted parties access to your page, since anything they do will reflect on your business.

How to Grant Access to a Facebook Page When You are the Owner

If you are the owner or Admin of a Facebook business page, it’s easy to grant other access.

  1. Open Business Settings
  2. Below “Users” click “People”
  3. Select the name of the person you want to grant access
  4. Click “Add Assets” and select “Pages”
  5. Select your business’s Page. Toggle on the tasks or roles you wish to grant.
  6. Click “Save Changes”

You’re done!

How to Grant Access to a Facebook Page When You are Not the Owner

If you aren’t the owner of your Facebook business page, you’ll need to first go through the steps to claim access. You can claim an unmanaged Facebook page for your business to gain admin privileges, and after successful verification, other people cannot claim this Facebook page without your permission.

  1. Go to the unmanaged Facebook page for your business and find the “Is this your business?” link on the top-right menu. Facebook access prompt
  2. Follow the verification instructions. You will need to add and verify basic information about your business, such as the website, phone number, email, or address. There are multiple ways to verify your business:
    1. Verify by phone: You can use a business phone number to verify the ownership of a Facebook page.
    2. Verify by documents: You can verify your connection with the business by mentioning the business email id and by uploading the required documents, which can be a business tax file, business license, phone bill, electricity bill, etc.
    3. Verify by email:The email you are supposed to select should be a business email address associated with the business domain name — an official email address used to do business communications.

It may take a week for the official team to claim your request for the Facebook page and respond accordingly. Once Facebook accepts your request, no other person will be able to handle your page.

Manage Your Social Media Accounts with LDM!

Need more social media management help? If you’re stuck on the different Facebook post types or aren’t sure which platform is right for your business, we got you! Our social media experts can guide the way toward a social presence that helps you meet your goals. Contact us today to learn more!

Meet Crystal Duran

Crystal Duran is a Senior Copywriter at Launch Digital Marketing. With a master's degree in Mass Communication and several published books to her pen name, she is a self-proclaimed word nerd and staunch supporter of the Oxford comma.