Ever land on a website and have no idea what to do next? This is a sign of poor website navigation, the menu structure that’s supposed to, you know, navigate users where to go, what to click, and how to get what they’re looking for. The last thing you want is users getting lost and bouncing off your site before finding what they need, so LDM has compiled our top website navigation tips to keep your menu clean and clear.

What is website navigation?

Website navigation works to guide users through your site, organizing your content in easy-to-follow journeys. Think of it like a map leading towards a myriad of X-marks-the-spot destinations such as a contact form, checkout page, or any other goal.

Why is website navigation important?

Your website navigation is accessible through a menu bar at the top of your site and sets up the internal linking structure that users and search engines alike need for successful navigation. Having a clear, well-organized navigation will help you:

  • Deliver a killer user experience
  • Boost conversations
  • Work with search algorithms
  • Increase time on site

Website navigation tips

How do you create this magical, easy-to-use experience? Here’s what our web development team does:

  1. Start with a sitemap: Anytime we build a new website, we begin by charting all the pages we intend to build and how they’ll work together. This involves mapping out content hierarchies (i.e. which pages connect and in what order) and determining the select pages that must live in the top menu bar.
  2. Think about your audience: Users are visiting your site for a reason, so give them what they want as soon as they land. What are the pages every user needs? Some examples include About Us, Our Products/Services, FAQs, and Contact Us.
  3. Use short page titles: It may seem fun to use long, descriptive titles that show off your personality, but short descriptors are best to avoid cluttered menu bars, confused users, and lost search engines. Stick to “Shop”, “Contact”, “Blog”, etc. for clarity on all fronts.
  4. Keep your menu short and sweet: We know you have a lot of great content, but it doesn’t all have to live in the navigation bar. Limit your options to no more than five or six, or else risk users feeling overwhelmed on where to go next.
  5. Pick one major CTA: What is the most important goal you want users to complete on your site? Shop? Contact? Request information? Whatever it is, shout it out in a menu-level button that can’t be missed, instantly guiding towards your final destination.
  6. Don’t forget mobile: Keeping your website navigation clear and easy also translates to a better mobile experience.
  7. Test, test, test: Diving into site analytics is your best bet to see whether or not your website navigation is working. If people aren’t clicking, it’s time to tinker!

Refresh Your Website with LDM

The thing about websites is that they can always be improved. New trends, new algorithms, new tech: if it’s been more than three years, it’s definitely time to update your website, so work with Launch Digital Marketing for a much-needed face lift! Our award-winning Chicagoland team can upgrade your digital presence with a custom site designed to your needs; contact us for a free consultation!

Meet Crystal Duran

Crystal Duran is a Senior Copywriter at Launch Digital Marketing. With a master's degree in Mass Communication and several published books to her pen name, she is a self-proclaimed word nerd and staunch supporter of the Oxford comma.